Year 6
Our Year 6 Team
6B- Miss Black class teacher
6GJ- Mrs Gould-Jones Class Teacher
Mrs Greenwood, Mrs Jones & Miss Gartland HLTA
Dr Henderson TA & Orrets Meadow
PE is on a Friday each week and children are to come to school in their PE kit. Can all children please ensure they are wearing a white t-shirt, black shorts/pants and suitable black trainers. If a jumper is needed, please wear your red school jumper. Information about school uniform can be found here
Class DoJo
Classdojo is the best way to contact us outside of school hours. We usually check this in the morning. We can’t guarantee it will be answered if you message us during the evening. If you need to contact us during the working day, please call the office who can then pass on a message. If you need to report your child absent, please report on Parent app or with the office staff. We are unable to see parents before school we are always happy to speak to parents at the end of the school day. You can always message us on Class Dojo to book an appointment.
Year 6 Homework
Homework is set online on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday.
All children are expected to complete their homework and those who are not able to complete it online or on paper, will have the opportunity to do so during Friday lunchtime.
All children are expected to read a minimum of three times every week and record this in their reading log. Reading logs will be sent home every Friday to be returned to school the following Wednesday.
Toast and milk will continue to be served 8.40-8.50 for any children who would like it. Children will also have access to fresh water all day.