In recent years the internet has become an integral part of our children’s lives and it can be hard for parents to keep up with developments and to know the best way to keep their child safe online.
Because of this, at Bidston Village, we see our role as the primary provider of up-to-date information for the children. We keep ourselves informed and aware so that we can pass relevent concerns and advice to the children at an age that is appropriate.
However, at school, we are not always in a position to intervene first hand when a problem arises, so we recognise the need to get parents on board and informed as much as possible so that our children can learn to keep themselves safe whilst still enjoying everything the internet has to offer.
E-Safety Curriculum - KS1
KS1 follow the Connected Curriculum plans from Hi Impact, which included the Common Sense Media digital Curriculum with other materials from other sources icluding
Childnet (Hanni and the Magic Window)
E-Safety Curriculum - KS2
Our philosophy is that all students need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life.
The school currently uses the Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Curriculum to deliver our E-safety curriculum to KS2.
Further information about the scheme's approach to e-safety can be found here.
Digital Literacy Progression
Our Digital Literacy Progression document, which maps the skills the children master as they go through school, can be found here.
Safer Internet Day
In addition to this, every spring term we engage with Safer Internet Day and each year group follows a tailored programme of related activities and lessons at some point before the end of the summer term.
For the last few years we have been lucky enough to have invited Altru Drama into school who put on a performance about digital citizenship and run workshops with the older children
The next Safer Internet Day will be on Tuesday 11th February 2025 with the slogan “Together for a better internet”.
Their website can be found here.
At times, we have had outside agencies, including the police, to give talks and do workshops with the children as well, though they have been mostly tailored to older children.