Year 5

  • Our Year 5 Team

    5A- Miss Abraham Class Teacher

    5O- Mrs O’Loughlin Class Teacher

    Mrs Greenwood, Mrs Jones & Miss Gartland HLTA

    Dr Henderson TA & Orrets Meadow

  • PE

    PE is on a Thursday each week and children are to come to school in their PE kit. Can all children please ensure they are wearing a white t-shirt, black shorts/pants and suitable black trainers. If a jumper is needed, please wear your red school jumper.

  • Class DoJo

    Class Dojo We will be using class dojo to post announcements, files, events, and reminders to our Class Story to Share photos and videos of classroom activities, lessons, and more on our Class Story. If you need to report your child absent, please report on Parent app or with the office staff.

  • Toast

    We provide toast for the children during registration for those who wish to have it.