Welcome to our Governing Body

Like all schools, Bidston Village is overseen by a Governing Body. Our Governing Body is is made up of representatives of the church, the school community and the wider community. We work with the Headteacher and it is our job to support and challenge her and her team to ensure that every child's school experience is the best that it can be.

We agree the strategic plans for the school, set the school's budget, set targets for school and we monitor the school's overall performance. Most importantly, we are here for you and for your child.

If you need to contact us at any time you can do so via our school office at clerk@bidstonvillage.wirral.sch.uk .

Kind Regards

Mrs Trish Iddon

Chair of Governors.

What is a school governor?

School governors are volunteers who help to run the school. Most schools work with a group of school governors - together they’re called the 'governing body'. Meetings are held throughout the academic year and governors are involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and setting standards of school discipline.

Governors also help to make big decisions about the school’s long-term goals. They support headteachers, but also ask questions and make sure the headteacher is taking the school in the right direction.

Our school is made up of governors to represent the following areas: LA governors (Wirral local authority), foundation governors (nominated by Chester Diocese), co-opted governours, staff governors and parent governors. Governors are linked to an area within the curriculum.

Contact may be made to any of our governors via the clerk Mrs K Langford who can be contacted at the school office on 0151 652 0673 or email clerk@bidstonvillage.wirral.sch.uk

Instrument of government

The Headteacher

1 Ex Offico, 1 LA, 1 Staff, 3 Foundation, 3 Parent’s & 3 Co-Opted

Current vacancies 1X Foundation
Contact for all our governors is via the Clerk to the Governors Mrs. K Langford on: – 0151 652 0673

Our Governors

  • Ms Mina Shahi

    Category of Governor: Headteacher

    Term of office: 01/04/2024

  • Mrs Trish Iddon

    Category of Governor: Co-opted

    Term of office: 18/09/23-17/09/27

    Link Governor Roles: Chair of Governors, HTPM, Safeguarding & Finance

  • Mrs John

    Category of Governor: Advisor

    Appointed by: Staff

    Term of office: 01/04/2024

    Link Governor Roles: Behaviour & Wellbeing

  • Mrs De-Brabander

    Category of Governor: Advisor

    Appointed by: Staff

    Term of office: 06/01/2025

    Link Governor Roles: Curriculum

  • Miss Claire Gartland

    Category of Governor: Foundation

    Appointed by: Diocese of Chester

    Term of office: 17/09/23 - 16/09/27

    Link Governor Roles: SEND & Behaviour & Wellbeing

  • Rev. Joe Smith

    Category of Governor: Ex Offico

    Term of office: 05/09/21

    Link Governor Roles: HTPM & Christian distinctiveness

  • Mr Craig Keaney

    Category of Governor: LA

    Appointed by: LA

    Term of office:
    17/6/24 - 16/6/28

    Link Governor Roles: Curriculum & Standards

  • Ms Gill Bain

    Category of Governor: Co-Opted

    Appointed by: School

    Term of office: 06/07/21 - 05/07/2025

    Link Governor Roles: HTPM, Attendance & Curriculum & Standards

  • Ms Julie Kelly

    Category of Governor: Parent (Vice Chair)

    Appointed by: Parents

    Term of office: 06/07/21 - 05/07/25

    Link Governor Roles: Vice Chair of Governors & EYFS

  • Miss Kate Wilkes

    Category of Governor: Staff

    Term of office: 04/09/23-03/09/27

    Link Governor Roles: Curriculum & Standards

  • Mr Martin Taylor

    Category of Governor: Parent

    Appointed by: Parents

    Term of office: 01/11/22-31/10/26

    Link Governor Roles: Pupil Premium

  • Jenni McKeever

    Category of Governor: Parent

    Appointed by: Parents

    Term of office: 27/03/2023 - 26/03/2027

    Link Governor Roles: Health & Safety

  • Lynda Langerhuizen

    Category of Governor: Foundation Governor

    Term of office: 26/09/2023 - 25/09/2027

  • Debbie Green

    Category of Governor: Co-Opted

    Term of office: 17/06/24-16/06/28

    Link Governor Roles: Finance