Bidston Village Primary School
Ballantyne Drive
CH43 7XG
0151 652 0673
The primary person to deal with public and parent enquiries is:
Miss Joanne Holmes School Business Manager
Mrs Kelly Langford: Office Manager & Clerk to Governors
Mrs Emma Kuttappa: Receptionist & Administration assistant
Our Family Liaison and Support Worker is Bev Cowley who can be contacted via the school office.
Our Special Educational Needs Team can be contacted at
The office is open from 8:00 am until 4:00pm
The school day for pupils begins at 8:50 am until 3:15 pm
Total hours for a typical week:
Early Years & KS1 - 32.5
KS2 - 32.9
For paper copies of all of our policies please contact the School Office. They will be provided free of charge.