Year 4

  • Our Year 4 Team

    4J- Mr Jones Class Teacher

    4B- Mrs Bradley Class Teacher

    Mrs Ward HLTA

    Miss Hill Teaching Assistant

  • Spring Term Newsletter

    Download here.

  • Year 4 Homework

    Homework is set online on Thursday to be completed for the following Thursday.

    All children are expected to complete their homework and children who are not able to complete their homework online will have the opportunity to do it on Tuesday at lunchtime.

    Sometimes children will need to complete their homework on Purple Mash, MyMaths or TTRockstars. If your child cannot remember their login details, please message us on classdojo and we’ll try to get the details to you.

  • PE

    PE will be on Wednesdays. We will mostly be using the hall, but if weather is fine we might use the field, so please make sure that your child has the school PE kit and some trainers suitable for using outside. Rules about school uniform can be found here.

    At present, children can come to school wearing their kit. If the weather is cold, the children should wear some grey or black jogging bottoms. The children must wear a school jumper in cold weather, not a hoody or non-school jumper

  • Class DoJo

    Class Dojo We will be using class dojo to post announcements, files, events, and reminders to our Class Story to Share photos and videos of classroom activities, lessons, and more on our Class Story. If you need to report your child absent, please report on Parent app or with the office staff.

  • TTRockstars

    Year 4 is a very important year for times tables in Year 4. In June the children take part in national tests to assess their recall. As I’m sure the children have mentioned, we use TTRockstars to help the children gain accuracy and fluency.

    As part of the children’s homework we expect the children to go on TTRockstars at home several times a week where possible. We will be running a club at lunchtime to enable children who can’t access it at home to keep up with the others.

    TTrockstars can be accessed by clicking here! If your child can’t remember his or her username or password, please message us on Classdojo so we can reset it.