Bad Weather
Unplanned School Closures
Very rarely there may be a school closure due to snow or ice, or due to other reasons beyond our control, eg mains water burst.
If at all possible, we will try to keep the school open, but we may have to take action to ensure we can maintain proper standards of Health and Safety. In these matter we will make a descision based on common sense and by following local authority guidance.
In the event of closure will endeavor to notify parents by:
A message on this website - this will display on a banner at the top of the homepage
Via the school Twitter (X) page (please make sure you follow @Bidstonvillage) and our school Facebook page
Via the Classdojo messaging system (if you have signed up to it)
Via our Parent App
Via the local media eg Radio Merseyside, Heart FM, Radio City
Via local newspaper websites eg Liverpool Echo, Wirral Globe
If you have learned of a school closure, and you are sure it's accurate, please inform other parents you may have contact with.
We will always make regular updates on Twitter and on the School website.
Our social media details can be found at the bottom of every page on our website or on the floating panel to the left-hand side.