• Our EIB2 Team

    Mrs Smith Class Teacher

    Mrs Tully, Mr Simmonds & Mrs Knight - Teaching Assistants

  • PE

    Our PE day is Friday. Children are to come to school in their school PE kit. They may wear tracksuits in colder weather. We will use the field when appropriate so they must wear suitable trainers.

  • Homework

    Homework will be sent home from the children's Read Write inc groups. We expect children to read at least 3 times a week and bring their book log-in to school every day.

  • Class Dojo

    Class Dojo We will be using class dojo to post announcements, files, events, and reminders to our Class Story to Share photos and videos of classroom activities, lessons, and more on our Class Story and through messages, Send private messages to keep you in the loop. Like and leave positive feedback on students’ Portfolios Do not forget to log in to see what is happening in class. If you need to report your child absent, please report on Parent app or with the office staff.

  • Toast

    We provide toast during registration every morning for those children who would like it.