Year 2

  • Our Year 2 Team

    2L Mrs Lynch Class Teacher

    2T Miss Taylor

    Mrs Wall HLTA

    Mrs Marshall Teaching Assistant

    Mrs Caroll & Miss Fisher KS1 SEND support & Nurture

  • PE

    P.E day is Monday please make sure PE kits are labelled with your child’s name. PE. kit is plain white top and black leggings/shorts/ tracksuit bottom and pumps or trainers.

  • Class DoJo

    Class Dojo We will be using class dojo to post announcements, files, events, and reminders to our Class Story to Share photos and videos of classroom activities, lessons, and more on our Class Story and through messages. Do not forget to log in to see what is happening in class.

    If you need to report your child absence or pass on a message in the school day, please report on Parent app or with the office staff.

  • Toast

    Toast and milk will continue to be served 8.40-8.50 for any children who would like it. Children will also have access to fresh water all day and fresh fruit during snack time in the afternoon.