Pathways to Read

At Bidston Village CE Primary School we follow a Mastery approach to English through the programme Pathways to Read. Pathways to Read is a programme for teaching reading comprehension skills and developing reading fluency with a whole class. In Key Stage 2 there will be 5 reading lessons each week to provide focused whole class teaching. There are opportunities for shared reading, modelled reading and independent reading. In KS1, pupils will have the opportunity for whole class shared and grouped reading. The units of work are delivered using high quality texts and children in all year groups are given varied opportunities for reading building up their skills through repetition within the units, and children applying these skills in reading activities.

For pupils still needing support with phonics from years 2-6, we will continue to support with an individual reading programme that has phonically decodable texts at the heart of it. In our whole class reading, there is a clear teaching focus with the opportunity to master key reading skills in each session. There are follow on reading tasks to enable pupils to evidence the skills they have mastered independently.

Many opportunities for widening children’s vocabulary are given through the Pathways to Read approach and this builds on the extensive work we do in school to provide our children with a rich and varied vocabulary.  

You will find the end of year expectations for reading for each of our year groups in the links below. 

We also use Pathways to Write to drive our writing curriculum. This aligns with Pathways to Read ensuring meaningful links for our pupils with texts and topics that are used across Literacy, Humanities and Science.

Below are some of the fantastic books we will read!

Click below to find out further information

What is Pathways to Read

Reading progression skills for parents (Y1 - Y6):

  • The National Curriculum for reading comprehension has been divided into three sections in Pathways to Read: ongoing skills, core skills and mastery skills.

  • Underneath each text, the subject is noted; the focus is on science, history and geography which often drive themes in schools. After the subject name, the content from the programme of study in that year group is noted e.g. Science – Electricity.

    Curriculum links are shown in these 2 diagrams:

    Diagram One.

    Diagram Two.

  • Fluent readers can read accurately, at an appropriate speed without great effort (automaticity), and with appropriate stress and intonation (prosody).

    A fluent reading style can support comprehension because pupils limited cognitive resources are freed from focusing on word recognition and can be redirected towards comprehending the text.

    For this reason, fluency is sometimes described as a bridge from word recognition to comprehension.

    Improving Literacy in KS2, EEF

    The Elements of Reading Fluency – EEF Bridging Literacy Transition with Fluency.

    Click for Fluency diagram.

    Preparing for Literacy in Early Years.

    Improving Literacy in KS1.

    Improving Literacy in KS2.